
The FedCloud client is a high-level Python package for a command-line client designed for interaction with the OpenStack services in the EGI infrastructure. The client can access various EGI services and can perform many tasks for users including managing access tokens, listing services, and mainly execute commands on OpenStack sites in EGI infrastructure.

The most notable features of FedCloud client are following:

  • Rich functionalities: have wide ranges of useful commands, including checking access token, searching for services, listing sites and VOs, and interaction with OpenStack sites.

  • Simple usages: can perform any OpenStack command on any sites with only three parameters: the site, the VO and the command. For example, to list virtual machines (VM) images available to members of VO on IISAS-FedCloud site, run the following command:

$ fedcloud openstack image list --vo --site IISAS-FedCloud
  • Federation-wide: Single client for all OpenStack sites and related services of EGI Cloud infrastructure. Single command may perform an action on all sites by specifying --site ALL_SITES.

  • Programmable: the client is designed for using in scripts for automation or as a Python library for programming FedCloud services.

Six modules are included:

  • fedcloudclient.checkin for operation with EGI Check-in like getting tokens,

  • fedcloudclient.endpoint for searching endpoints via GOCDB, getting unscoped/scoped token from OpenStack keystone,

  • fedcloudclient.sites for managing site configurations,

  • fedcloudclient.openstack for performing OpenStack operations on sites,

  • fedcloudclient.secret for accessing secrets in Secret management service,

  • fedcloudclient.ec3 for deploying elastic computing clusters in Cloud.

A short tutorial of the fedcloudclient is available in this presentation. The full documentation, including installation, usage and API description is available at