Source code for fedcloudclient.endpoint

"fedcloud endpoint" commands are complementary part of the "fedcloud site" commands.

Instead of using site configurations defined in files saved in GitHub repository or
local disk, the commands try to get site information directly from GOCDB
(Grid Operations Configuration Management Database) or make probe
test on sites

import os
import re
import time
from urllib import parse

import click
import defusedxml.ElementTree as ElementTree
import jwt
import requests
from fedcloudclient.checkin import get_access_token, oidc_params
from fedcloudclient.decorators import (
from tabulate import tabulate


description refreshtoken (
    kind = 'component' and
    short = 'Tool to refresh LToS access token.' and
    content = 'Tool to refresh LToS access token.'
configure front (
  - vars:
      CLIENT_ID: %(client_id)s
      CLIENT_SECRET: %(client_secret)s
      REFRESH_TOKEN: %(refresh_token)s
    - name: Check if docker is available
      command: which docker
      changed_when: false
      failed_when: docker_installed.rc not in [0,1]
      register: docker_installed
    - name: local install of fedcloudclient
      - name: Create dir /usr/local/ec3/
        file: path=/usr/local/ec3/ state=directory
      - name: install git
          name: git
          state: present
      - name: install fedcloudclient
          - fedcloudclient
      - cron:
          name: "refresh token"
          minute: "*/5"
          job: "[ -f /usr/local/ec3/auth.dat ]
            && /usr/local/bin/fedcloudclient endpoint ec3-refresh
               --oidc-client-id {{ CLIENT_ID }}
               --oidc-client-secret {{ CLIENT_SECRET }}
               --oidc-refresh-token {{ REFRESH_TOKEN }}
               --auth-file /usr/local/ec3/auth.dat &> /var/log/refresh.log"
          user: root
          cron_file: refresh_token
          state: present
      when: docker_installed.rc not in [ 0 ]
    - name: local install of fedcloudclient
      - cron:
          name: "refresh token"
          minute: "*/5"
          job: "[ -f /usr/local/ec3/auth.dat ]
            && docker run -v /usr/local/ec3/auth.dat:/usr/local/ec3/auth.dat
               tdviet/fedcloudclient fedcloudclient endpoint ec3-refresh
               --oidc-client-id {{ CLIENT_ID }}
               --oidc-client-secret {{ CLIENT_SECRET }}
               --oidc-refresh-token {{ REFRESH_TOKEN }}
               --auth-file /usr/local/ec3/auth.dat &> /var/log/refresh.log"
          user: root
          cron_file: refresh_token
          state: present
      when: docker_installed.rc not in [ 1 ]

[docs]def get_sites(): """ Get list of sites (using GOCDB instead of site configuration) :return: list of site IDs """ q = {"method": "get_site_list", "certification_status": "Certified"} url = "?".join([GOCDB_PUBLICURL, parse.urlencode(q)]) r = requests.get(url) sites = [] if r.status_code == 200: root = ElementTree.fromstring(r.text) for s in root: sites.append(s.attrib.get("NAME")) else: print("Something went wrong...") print(r.status_code) print(r.text) return sites
[docs]def find_endpoint(service_type, production=True, monitored=True, site=None): """ Searching GOCDB for endpoints according to service types and status :param service_type: :param production: :param monitored: :param site: list of sites, None for searching all sites :return: list of endpoints """ q = {"method": "get_service_endpoint", "service_type": service_type} if monitored: q["monitored"] = "Y" if site: q["sitename"] = site sites = [site] else: sites = get_sites() url = "?".join([GOCDB_PUBLICURL, parse.urlencode(q)]) r = requests.get(url) endpoints = [] if r.status_code == 200: root = ElementTree.fromstring(r.text) for sp in root: if production: prod = sp.find("IN_PRODUCTION").text.upper() if prod != "Y": continue os_url = sp.find("URL").text ep_site = sp.find("SITENAME").text if ep_site not in sites: continue # os_url = urlparse.urlparse(sp.find('URL').text) # sites[sp.find('SITENAME').text] = urlparse.urlunparse( # (os_url[0], os_url[1], os_url[2], '', '', '')) endpoints.append([sp.find("SITENAME").text, service_type, os_url]) else: print("Something went wrong...") print(r.status_code) print(r.text) return endpoints
[docs]def get_keystone_url(os_auth_url, path): """ Helper function for fixing keystone URL """ url = parse.urlparse(os_auth_url) prefix = url.path.rstrip("/") if prefix.endswith("v2.0") or prefix.endswith("v3"): prefix = os.path.dirname(prefix) path = os.path.join(prefix, path) return parse.urlunparse((url[0], url[1], path, url[3], url[4], url[5]))
[docs]def get_unscoped_token(os_auth_url, access_token): """ Get an unscoped token, trying various protocol names if needed """ protocols = ["openid", "oidc"] for p in protocols: try: unscoped_token = retrieve_unscoped_token(os_auth_url, access_token, p) return unscoped_token, p except RuntimeError: pass raise RuntimeError("Unable to get an scoped token")
[docs]def get_scoped_token(os_auth_url, access_token, project_id): """ Get a scoped token, trying various protocol names if needed """ unscoped_token, protocol = get_unscoped_token(os_auth_url, access_token) url = get_keystone_url(os_auth_url, "/v3/auth/tokens") body = { "auth": { "identity": {"methods": ["token"], "token": {"id": unscoped_token}}, "scope": {"project": {"id": project_id}}, } } r =, json=body) # pylint: disable=no-member if r.status_code != raise RuntimeError("Unable to get an scoped token") else: return r.headers["X-Subject-Token"], protocol
[docs]def retrieve_unscoped_token(os_auth_url, access_token, protocol="openid"): """ Request an unscoped token """ url = get_keystone_url( os_auth_url, "/v3/OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/" % protocol, ) r =, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer %s" % access_token}) # pylint: disable=no-member if r.status_code != raise RuntimeError("Unable to get an unscoped token") else: return r.headers["X-Subject-Token"]
[docs]def get_projects(os_auth_url, unscoped_token): """ Get list of projects from unscoped token """ url = get_keystone_url(os_auth_url, "/v3/auth/projects") r = requests.get(url, headers={"X-Auth-Token": unscoped_token}) r.raise_for_status() return r.json()["projects"]
[docs]def get_projects_from_sites(access_token, site): """ Get all projects from sites using access token """ project_list = [] for ep in find_endpoint("org.openstack.nova", site=site): os_auth_url = ep[2] unscoped_token, _ = get_unscoped_token(os_auth_url, access_token) project_list.extend( [ [p["id"], p["name"], p["enabled"], ep[0]] for p in get_projects(os_auth_url, unscoped_token) ] ) return project_list
[docs]def get_project_id_from_vo_site(access_token, vo, site): """ Deprecated in favor of new functions in Get project ID from site ID and VO name """ if site is None: return None project_list = get_projects_from_sites(access_token, site) m = re.compile("^(VO:|vo_)*" + vo + "$") for project in project_list: if m.match(project[1]): print(project) return project[0] return None def endpoint(): """ endpoint command group for interaction with GOCDB and endpoints """ pass @endpoint.command() @oidc_params @site_params def projects( oidc_client_id, oidc_client_secret, oidc_refresh_token, oidc_access_token, oidc_url, oidc_agent_account, site, ): """ List of all project from specific site/sites """ access_token = get_access_token( oidc_access_token, oidc_refresh_token, oidc_client_id, oidc_client_secret, oidc_url, oidc_agent_account, ) if site == "ALL_SITES": site = None project_list = get_projects_from_sites(access_token, site) print(tabulate(project_list, headers=["id", "Name", "enabled", "site"])) @endpoint.command() @oidc_params @site_params @project_id_params def token( oidc_client_id, oidc_client_secret, oidc_refresh_token, oidc_access_token, oidc_url, oidc_agent_account, site, project_id, ): """ Get scoped keystone token from site and project ID """ access_token = get_access_token( oidc_access_token, oidc_refresh_token, oidc_client_id, oidc_client_secret, oidc_url, oidc_agent_account, ) # Getting sites from GOCDB # assume first one is ok ep = find_endpoint("org.openstack.nova", site=site).pop() os_auth_url = ep[2] scoped_token, _ = get_scoped_token(os_auth_url, access_token, project_id) print('export OS_TOKEN="%s"' % scoped_token) @endpoint.command() @oidc_params @auth_file_params def ec3_refresh( oidc_client_id, oidc_client_secret, oidc_refresh_token, oidc_access_token, oidc_url, oidc_agent_account, auth_file, ): # Get the right endpoint from GOCDB auth_file_contents = [] with open(auth_file, "r") as f: for raw_line in f.readlines(): line = raw_line.strip() if "OpenStack" in line: auth_tokens = [] for token in line.split(";"): if token.strip().startswith("password"): access_token = token.split("=")[1].strip() if access_token[0] in ["'", '"']: access_token = access_token[1:-1] # FIXME(enolfc): add verification payload = jwt.decode( access_token, options={"verify_signature": False} ) now = int(time.time()) expires = int(payload["exp"]) if expires - now < 300: access_token = get_access_token( oidc_access_token, oidc_refresh_token, oidc_client_id, oidc_client_secret, oidc_url, oidc_agent_account, ) auth_tokens.append("password = %s" % access_token) else: auth_tokens.append(token.strip()) auth_file_contents.append("; ".join(auth_tokens)) elif line: auth_file_contents.append(line) with open(auth_file, "w+") as f: f.write("\n".join(auth_file_contents)) @endpoint.command() @oidc_params @site_params @project_id_params @auth_file_params @click.option( "--template-dir", help="EC3 templates dir", default="./templates", show_default=True, ) @click.option("--force", is_flag=True, help="Force rewrite of files") def ec3( oidc_client_id, oidc_client_secret, oidc_refresh_token, oidc_access_token, oidc_url, oidc_agent_account, site, project_id, auth_file, template_dir, force, ): if os.path.exists(auth_file) and not force: print( "Auth file already exists, not replacing unless --force option is included" ) raise click.Abort() access_token = get_access_token( oidc_access_token, oidc_refresh_token, oidc_client_id, oidc_client_secret, oidc_url, oidc_agent_account, ) # Get the right endpoint from GOCDB # assume first one is ok ep = find_endpoint("org.openstack.nova", site=site).pop() os_auth_url = ep[2] site_auth = [ "id = %s" % site, "type = OpenStack", "username =", "tenant = openid", "auth_version = 3.x_oidc_access_token", "host = %s" % os_auth_url, "domain = %s" % project_id, "password = '%s'" % access_token, ] auth_file_contents = [";".join(site_auth)] if os.path.exists(auth_file): with open(auth_file, "r") as f: for line in f.readlines(): if "OpenStack" in line: continue auth_file_contents.append(line) with open(auth_file, "w+") as f: f.write("\n".join(auth_file_contents)) if not os.path.exists(template_dir): os.mkdir(template_dir) with open(os.path.join(template_dir, "refresh.radl"), "w+") as f: v = dict( client_id=oidc_client_id, client_secret=oidc_client_secret, refresh_token=oidc_refresh_token, ) f.write(EC3_REFRESHTOKEN_TEMPLATE % v) @endpoint.command() @click.option( "--service-type", default="org.openstack.nova", help="Service type in GOCDB", show_default=True, ) @click.option( "--production/--not-production", default=True, help="Production status", show_default=True, ) @click.option( "--monitored/--not-monitored", default=True, help="Monitoring status", show_default=True, ) @site_params def list(service_type, production, monitored, site): """ List of endpoints of site/sites according info in GOCDB """ if site == "ALL_SITES": site = None endpoints = find_endpoint(service_type, production, monitored, site) print(tabulate(endpoints, headers=["Site", "type", "URL"])) @endpoint.command() @oidc_params @site_params @project_id_params def env( oidc_client_id, oidc_client_secret, oidc_refresh_token, oidc_access_token, oidc_url, oidc_agent_account, site, project_id, ): """ Generating OS environment variables for specific project/site """ access_token = get_access_token( oidc_access_token, oidc_refresh_token, oidc_client_id, oidc_client_secret, oidc_url, oidc_agent_account, ) # Get the right endpoint from GOCDB # assume first one is ok ep = find_endpoint("org.openstack.nova", site=site).pop() os_auth_url = ep[2] scoped_token, protocol = get_scoped_token(os_auth_url, access_token, project_id) print("# environment for %s" % site) print('export OS_AUTH_URL="%s"' % os_auth_url) print('export OS_AUTH_TYPE="v3oidcaccesstoken"') print('export OS_IDENTITY_PROVIDER=""') print('export OS_PROTOCOL="%s"' % protocol) print('export OS_ACCESS_TOKEN="%s"' % access_token) print('export OS_PROJECT_ID="%s"' % project_id)